So here we are at the end. It’s really here. His birthday is no more than 9 days away. WOW. I feel like I have been pregnant forever; however, it has all flown by. The weeks clicked off the calendar faster than we could keep up. And now the time to meet the little human being Jacob and I created is right around the corner…and I couldn’t be more excited.
I went to the doctor last Friday (Aug. 20) and found out I most likely will be having a c-section on September 2nd. While the emotions instantly sprung to my face and I almost burst into tears, I regained my composure long enough to get the details and leave the office. The news really rocked my (our) worlds. I hadn’t really thought of this as a possibility the entire time. I just assumed things would go as they should. But after I had time to let the news sink in, I began thinking it’s actually not such bad news. The silver lining:
1) I am no longer concerned that he is an 11lb baby!
2) I could potentially have this child and never feel a single contraction….and from what I have been told this is a good thing.
3) Most of the fam are 4 hours + away and this gives everyone a date to wrap their brains around and figure out when to leave, where they will be staying, etc.
4) I know that I will meet my son in no more than 9 days….and that alone is worth it.
Now let me clarify, #4 is not because I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. I know that’s hard to believe as this blog follows the last blog that listed the top 20+ negatives of being preggers. Really, much to many mothers' (and significant others dealing with the mothers) amazement, I haven’t been more comfortable the whole time. My body seems to have gotten used to itself (minus constant heartburn that I swear makes me exhale smoke and the fact that I have no ankles). Everyone kept saying the last 4 weeks would drag on. Instead, I was 30 weeks and then blinked….now I am 38 and he will come during my 39th week. I have had a few things to do to pass the time…crazy nesting to name one. This included baseboard cleaning, cleaning the bathrooms on the weekend and then again before each doctor’s appointment just in case, windexing all pictures and glass surface of any kind – and last but not least, building the honey-do list for each evening when J would walk in the door: cleaning air vents, dusting ceiling fans, and pretty much anything else involving electrical wiring and a step ladder.
So that’s it! I’m anxiously awaiting the curtains for the nursery (just as anxiously as I await my next Mexican food fix). Clothes, blankets, socks and hats are pre-washed, hung, folded and waiting. We reached a compromise to have nursery décor that was less baby and what has turned out to be more UNC blue…imagine that. Tomorrow we go back for another check to see if I have moved beyond the 2 centimeters I was dilated at last check. While I would love for things to spring into action earlier, I like the date Sept. 2. It’s a Thursday and for all of you who know me well know that Thursdays are my favorite day of the week. And I think J can use the last week to prepare. Don’t get me wrong….tonight is a full moon and I will be walking, eating spicy and partaking in all of the other old wives tales sans castor oil to see if we can get to meet him any earlier. That really is my whole focus. I just want to see him face-to-face. I simply cannot wait to see what J and I made together. So let's do this thing!
And it hits me again….I'm pregnant! Wow.