From now on, April 15 has taken on a new meaning for me. Last Thursday, we had a Dr's appointment and our first ultrasound since week 7 I believe. The only image I have in my head of the baby is what I've gathered from the gazillion books on our coffee table. How much did the baby grow in this time period? It seems as though it has been an eternity since we have seen anything. Yea the heartbeat is exciting to hear but I'm more of a visual guy. Also, this might be the day we are able to see if we are having a little boy or girl. Now, my preference has already been stated but in all reality just seeing a healthy baby would mean the most to me. The day of the ultrasound I was as nervous as Katie....maybe even more so. I was excited and she could see it all over my face. The doctor started the ultrasound off by showing us the baby's skull and brain. While Katie and the Dr were picking out the features, all I could see was a screen of black and white abstract art. "Hallucinate with me" is what the Dr suggested. As I stared a little longer I could begin to make out the separate parts. To be able to see the heart beating was amazing. To finally put a picture to something we had been hearing for the past 13 weeks was awesome to say the least. The Dr then proceeded down the body and showed us the backbone and ribs and stomach and it all looked to be in good working order. I was content at that point. While he was moving the wand around I could see the baby waving his arms and legs around. I would get claustrophobic if I was stuck in there. Now looking at all this was all fine and dandy but the Dr knew exactly what I was wanting to see. I think he was teasing us by taking his time looking over the entire body. When he passed over an area that looked to be two large circles, he pointed out that those are the two legs. Low and behold, there was a protruding member between the two legs.......IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I was amazed.....I was happy before with having a healthy baby but now that I find out it's a boy....I'm ecstatic. All the time being told by everyone that they had envisioned it being a girl, I had prepared myself for that outcome. When little boy rolled around and showed us his parts I couldn't of been happier. I still walk around with a grin all day thinking about it. Every store we go in I always keep an eye out for things the little guy will like to wear or play with. Since he is the first grandkid on my side and the first grand son on Katie's side I have a feeling he will be spoiled. Let's hope that we as parents can keep him grounded. We have been hounded to put together a baby registry and now we finally can narrow things down to all boy things. Naming has also become an obsession of ours. Every time I watch a movie, I watch the credits now to see if any names pop out at me. While we are taking suggestions on names, we are not going to disclose the name until he enters this world. Maybe I like the secret part or maybe I just think that we have to see him before we can give him a name that is fitting. I actually am getting a little nervous about the responsibility of naming someone. Giving a silly name to a dog can create a laughter in a room and be otherwise harmless. The dog will not feel ashamed of his name or will he be ridiculed by other dogs because his name sounds "girly" or "weird". I do not want to handicap our child because we chose a name that is not widely accepted. I also do not want to choose a name that is common or lackluster. Us, as well as every other parent, thinks our child is special, unique and deserves a name to fit. So much pressure. I guess it will all fall into place in due time. As the due date rapidly comes closer, I find myself being more conservative with money also. We are going to have to provide for this little human so I guess I need to balance my budget accordingly. While this summer is my last before parenthood, I need to be at least partially responsible and save some of what I earn. No longer can we go out to eat 3-4 times a week and travel every weekend. Baby will be here before we know it and I want to be prepared.....as prepared as I can be.